Draw'r wlad (Lle'r wyf yn disgwyl llwyr ryddhâd)
Draw'r wlad (O'r lle'r wy'n dysgwyl llwyr ryddhâd)
Mae gwlad (I'r hon 'rwy'n dysgwyl cael rhyddhad)

(Hiraeth am y nefoedd)
      Draw'r wlad,
O'r lle'r wy'n dysgwyl llwyr ryddhâd,
O law'm gelynion
        mawr eu brad:
  Trwy rinwedd gwa'd
          fy Iesu gwiw,
    'D oes gelyn mwy a ddaw i'r lan,
  I'r hyfryd fan,
          ar fyr ca'i fyw.

      Y llen,
Sydd rhyngwy'n awr a'r nefoedd wèn,
A rwyga Nuw
        o'r ddae'r i'r nen;
  I'r wlad uwch ben, 'fe'm harwain ef,
    Caf ddringo i'm
            gorphysfa fraf,
  Sy'n mynwes Naf,
          o fewn i'r Nef.

      A byw
Ga'i 'n dawel fry
        heb boen na briw,
A'm cynnhes nyth yn nghôl fy Nuw,
  Lle mae pob rhyw ddiddanwch llawn;
    Yn rhydd i'r llwch
            mi rown fy nghnawd,
  Fyn'd at fy Mrawd yn awr, pe cawn.

      Mor fawr
Yw'r syched sy ar f'enaid 'nawr,
Am wel'd dy wedd,
        O! hyfryd wawr -
  Boreuddydd tragwyddoldeb pur;
    Ymado'n rhwydd â châr a ffrynd
  A wnawn, gael myn'd
          i'r nefol dir.

      Bob pryd,
Ffarwel i ti, ddaearol fyd,
'Does yma i'w gael
        ond gwae i gyd:
  Mae'm trysor drud mewn ninas draw,
    Mae 'nghalon eisoes gyda'm Brawd,
  Lle bydd fy nghnawd i maes o law.

              - - - - -

      Mae gwlad,
I'r hon 'rwy'n dysgwyl cael rhyddhad,
O law gelynion
        mawr eu brad,
  Trwy rinwedd gwaed
          yr Iesu gwiw;
    'Does gelyn byth
            a ddaw i lan
  Yr hyfryd fan
          ar fyr caf fyw.

      O doed,
Yr hyfryd fore gorau erioed,
I'r sawl sy'n dilyn ôl ei droed,
  Pob ofnau ífoed, darfydded braw;
    Rho'th gariad im', addfwynaf Oen,
  Mi garaf son am ddydd a ddaw.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [288.888]:
Aberdeen (<1869)
Devotion (<1811)
Potsdam (<1869)

  Mae mae (Y dydd yn d'od i'r duwiol rai)
  Mae mae (Yr amser hyfryd yn nesâu)
  Y groes (Yw etifeddiaeth fawr fy oes)
  Y llen (Sydd rhyngwy'n awr a'r nefoedd wen)

(Longing for heaven)
      Yonder is the land,
From which I await complete freedom,
From the hand of my enemies
        of great treachery:
  Through the merit of the blood
          of my worthy Jesus,
    No enemy shall come up any more,
  To the delightful place, where
          shortly I shall get to live.

      The curtain
That is between me now and bright heaven,
My God shall rend
        from the earth to the sky;
  To the land overhead, he leads me,
    I shall get to climb to my
            good resting-place,
  That is in the bosom of my Lord,
          within heaven.

      And to live
Quietly above I may get
        without pain or bruise,
With my warm nest in the bosom of my God,
  Where is every kind of full comfort;
    Freely to the dust
            I would give my flesh;
  To go to my Brother now, If I could.

      How great
Is the thirst that is upon my soul now,
To see thy countenance,
        O delightful dawn! -
  The morn of pure, eternal day;
    Freely leave relative and friend
  I would, to get to go
          to the heavenly country.

      Every time,
Farewell to thee, earthly world,
There is nothing to be had here
        but woe altogether:
  My precious treasure is in yonder city,
    My heart is already with my Brother,
  Where my flesh shall be soon.

                 - - - - -

      There is a land,
Where I am expecting to get freedom,
From the hand of enemies
        of great treachery,
  Through the merit of the blood
          of the worthy Jesus;
    There is no enemy that shall ever
            come up to
  The delightful place
          where I shall shortly get to live.

      O let the
Best ever delightful morning come,
To those who are following his footprints,
  Let all fears flee, let terror perish,
    Give thy love to me, dearest Lamb,
  I love the mention of the day to come.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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